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Bisham CofE Academy

Ashley Hill MAT

Part of the

Ashley Hill

Multi Academy Trust

Herons (Yr 3&4)

Welcome to Herons Class! smiley


Miss Harrison (Year 3) and Mr Woest (Year 4)


Our learning this week:


This week, we have started our new topic of 'money'. We have been learning about pounds and pence. The children now know that 1 pound = 100 pence. 



This week, the children have analysed our book  'The rhythm of the rain'. The children then planned for their extended write next week. 



In science this term, we are learning about different states of matter. This week we conducted a experiment about the speed that different solid melt. We found that ice melted the quickest and butter melted the slowest.



In art this week the children have been making 3D rainforest diorama's.These have now been displayed in the classroom.


The children have been working on passing, throwing and catching in cricket. As well as serving in tennis.




P.E days are Monday and Wednesday. Please ensure children come dressed in their PE kits for these days.  (This has changed from Tuesday and Wednesday)



Times Tables


We are working hard during the week with our Time-Tables using Time-Table-Rockstars.


In Year 4, we are testing ourselves every Friday with a 65 question test in preparation for the national Multiplication Times Tables Check in the Summer.

Please see our focus areas:


Year 3's times table focus this week will be 6's and 8's.

Year 4's times table focus this week will be 5's and 11's.
