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Bisham CofE Academy

Ashley Hill MAT

Part of the

Ashley Hill

Multi Academy Trust

Robins (Yr 1&2)



Our learning this week....

Monday 29th April- Friday 3rd May





This week the children have continued to focus on the story 'Hermelin' by Mini Grey, where they have been planning a retelling of this story and using their plans to write the opening paragraph (describing the main character).



Year 1- have continued the mathematical topic of multiplication and division this week, where they have been learning how to recognise equal groups, add equal groups, make arrays and double numbers to 20. As well as, practising the 2x, 5x and 10x tables.


Year 2- have continued the mathematical topic of fractions this week, where they have been learning how to identify and recognise a quarter and a third of a shape and number.  As well as, practising the 2x, 3x, 5x and 10x tables. 



The children have continued their design technology unit for this term, where they have been working together to design and make a model of Bisham Village. The children used nets of triangular prisms and cuboids to create the buildings and have used the joining techniques they learnt last week, to make road signs and tress to add to the model village. The children will be adding the finishing touches to the village next week, as well as putting it all together to showcase to the rest of the school the finished product.




This week the children have continued their learning all about the human body, where they shared their baby photos with the class- the children enjoyed working together to identify who was who. We spent time thinking about how each child has changed as they have got older and what factors made this difficult and what factors made this easy for us. We also considered the activities we couldn't do when we were younger, the activities that we can do now and those that we will be able to do when we are older.



This week the children have continued their learning all about the religion of Judaism, where the children enjoyed a school trip to Maidenhead Synagogue this week, to bring to life our learning and understanding of where the Jewish community go to worship and explored artefacts that are important to the Jewish community and how they are used.



