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Bisham CofE Academy

Ashley Hill MAT

Part of the

Ashley Hill

Multi Academy Trust

Swans (Yr 5&6)

Welcome to Swans Class page. 

Year 5 and 6


Please note:

  • PE days- Tuesday and Wednesday
  • On PE days, pupils should come to school in full PE kit.


Teacher: Mr Chotalia                                                                                                                  Support teacher: Mrs Mothersole


Our learning last week (1st July-5th July):



Last week, we continued our focus on our vehicle text- ‘The Rain Player’ by David Wisniewski. Pupils started think of an area in life that holds an interest within them and think of suitable questions around their topic area. Pupils planned an explanation text around their are of interest. Last week, pupils published their work while developing their editing skills. 



In maths, pupils work their way through age-specific units using the CPA (concrete, pictorial, abstract) approach. This allows pupils to gain hands on experience of maths using concrete resources, this allows them to 'feel the maths' and gain a deeper understanding that they can apply to more abstract concepts. Please see below for the units we currently working on and lessons covered last week. 

Year 5: Negative numbers  

  • Convert units of time
  • Calculate with timetables


  • Cubic centimetres

  • Compare volume

Year 6: Shapes 

  • Nets of 3-D shapes
  • End of unit test
  • Reasoning and problem solving- word problems
  • Planning maths lessons for year 6 take over day


* Children should know all of their times tables now. Keep practising to remain fluent!



For art the children will learn that designers and makers design “sets” which form the backdrop/props to give context to drama (theatre, film or animation). They will apply skills across a range of disciplines including painting, making and drawing to create a mini-set themed around our summer production of Aladdin. They children will consider scale, perspective and composition when creating their sets.



This term in PE we are focusing on Athletics and Cricket. In Cricket, pupils will learn sport specific skills developing hand-eye coordination. Pupils will learn the key elements of fielding and batting, while developing tactical play.  In Athletics, pupils will develop agility, balance and coordination while developing and understanding of the three core strands in athletics- running, throwing and jumping. Pupils will compete in different events and work towards sports day. 



For RE this term, the children will be continued their learning about Islam. They will explore the question: How far does the Mosques contribute to the concept of Ummah? To enrich this learning, the children will visit Maidenhead Mosque where they will observe the place of worship, practices and objects.



Everyone has been very excited and eager to get started on our school production. Pupils will be developing speaking, singing and acting skills through the term. Across the next weeks, pupils will receive scripts and the lines please can pupils practise them at home and school. 


