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Bisham CofE Academy

Ashley Hill MAT

Part of the

Ashley Hill

Multi Academy Trust

Swans (Yr 5&6)

Welcome to Swans Class page. 

Year 5 and 6


Please note:

  • PE days- Tuesday and Wednesday
  • On PE days, pupils should come to school in full PE kit.


Teacher: Mr Chotalia                                                                                                                  Support teacher: Mrs Mothersole


Our learning last week (22nd-26th April):



Last week, we started a new unit focused on our vehicle text- ‘The Rain Player’ by David Wisniewski. Pupils immersed themselves into the text. Analysing key vocabulary, making predictions and writing dialogue for key characters. We also recreated a Mayan game from text Pok-a-tok!



In maths, pupils work their way through age-specific units using the CPA (concrete, pictorial, abstract) approach. This allows pupils to gain hands on experience of maths using concrete resources, this allows them to 'feel the maths' and gain a deeper understanding that they can apply to more abstract concepts. Please see below for the units we currently working on and lessons covered last week. 

Year 5: Shape

  • Understand and use degrees 
  • Classify angles 
  • Estimate angles 
  • Measure angles up to 180 degrees
  • Draw lines and angles accurately  

Year 6: SATs Practice 

  • Over the next few weeks Year 6 will take part in targeted SATs practice. 
  • This will help address misconceptions in smaller groups and better prepare pupils. 
  • Last week the pupils made fantastic progress in reading, maths and SPAG. 
  • We have been developing text marking and retrieval skills in reading. 
  • Understanding of percentages, power of 10 and adding and subtracting in maths.  


* Children should know all of their times tables now. Keep practising to remain fluent!



In history, the children have been learning about the Mayan civilization. They learnt who the Mayans were, and where and when they lived. Pupils learnt that the Mayans were a successful and advanced civilisation, and explored what caused them to disappear. The children also learnt about the  beliefs, rituals and lifestyle of the Ancient Maya including the football-like game, Pok-a-tok.



This term in PE we are focusing on Tennis and Cricket. In Cricket, pupils will learn sport specific skills developing hand-eye coordination. Pupils will learn the key elements of fielding and batting, while developing tactical play.  In Tennis, pupils will develop hand-eye coordination while developing forehand and backhand strokes. Pupils will learn about game play and compete in singles and double games while gaining an opportunity to umpire. 
