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Bisham CofE Academy

Ashley Hill MAT

Part of the

Ashley Hill

Multi Academy Trust

Meet the Governors

Governor's Welcome


I would like to welcome you and your family to our school.  Bisham C of E Academy is a special place where we nurture our whole pupil community, from their first experience of education, equipping them to become lifelong learners.  Every child is unique and deserves the opportunity to reach their full potential by developing their talents.  Our staff work in partnership with you, their parents, to encourage and support every child to achieve this.

As Chair of governors, local resident and parent, I have been involved with Bisham School for over 20 years; it has always been a hidden gem of a school.  Our Ofsted rating of Good endorses the education we offer; in addition, new facilities, a delightful green setting and a strong Christian ethos, provide a safe space for your child to flourish and develop the confidence, core values and creativity which are essential skills for later life.


Sheila Featherstone

Chair of Governors

Meet the Governors

Governing Body Members

  • Sheila Featherstone-Clark - Foundation Governor and Chair of Governors
  • Rosie Povey - Governor - Interim Vice Chair 
  • Clive Haines - Governor and Director of Ashley Hill Trust
  • Emma Brookman - Staff Governor
  • Esther Muschamp - Parent Governor
  • Gemma Thomas - Parent Governor
  • Isabel Cooke - CEO
  • Jon Corbitt - Governor (Co-opted)
  • Rev John Smith - Foundation Governor


Governor Roles

Sheila Featherstone-Clark - Chair, SIAMS, Spirituality, RE, SEND, PP, Finance & Audit Committee

Vacant  - Building & Premises, Health & Safety

Clive Haines - Safeguarding, Data & Outcomes 

Vacant - Outcomes for AllSEND, Pupil Premium

Roșie Povey -  Curriculum & EYFS, Interim Vice Chair

Jon Corbitt - Curriculum, Governor Monitoring

Rev John Smith - SIAMS, Spirituality, RE 


Supporting Staff

  • Jennifer Blackburn- Clerk to the Governors, Ashley Hill Multi Academy Trust


Committee Structure

We have an Admissions Committee who meet on an ad-hoc basis when needed:-

  • Sheila Featherstone-Clark
  • Isabel Cooke


Governor Date of Appointment and Term of Office

Governors were re-elected at the commencement of the Ashley Hill Multi Academy Trust for a four-year term of office 

Sheila Featherstone-Clark - 28/01/19-31/08/26

Esther Muschamp - 16/01/25-16/01/29

Clive Haines - 01/09/23-31/08/27

Gemma Thomas - 16/01/25-16/01/29

Roșie Povey -  01/09/23-31/08/27

Jon Corbitt - 01/09/23-31/08/27

Rev John Smith - 12/01/24-12/01/28





Bisham Governor attendance record
