Collective Worship and Spirituality
What Spirituality means at Bisham
Spiritual Development for some is about the development of a relationship with God, while for others it is about the development of the human spirit, and for others, a continual quest after truth. For all, it is vital to spiritual development that children and adults alike are allowed space to develop their own faith, beliefs and values.
Collective Worship – Roots and Fruits
We use Roots and Fruits as the main focus for our collective worship.
Roots and Fruits provides creative collective worship for primary schools based in Christian values themes over a period of two years. Rooted in Bible teaching, twelve Christian values represent the fruit that grows as the teaching is lived out in everyday life.
The value for the Spring Term 1 is Courage and in Term 2 Forgiveness.
A prayer of welcome
We light three candles in the name of:
God the Father whose promises are true,
God the Son who trusted his Father’s promises and
God the Holy Spirit who gives us faith to trust God today.
Working Together Prayer
We come together now, in the presence of:
God the Father who is always with us,
God the Son who showed us how to live courageously, and
God the Holy Spirit who helps us to have courage but act with humility.
Acrostic Poem
Courage is…
Carrying on when things are difficult
Overcoming fear
Understanding and facing a challenge
Risking being our of your comfort zone
Always believing in God’s promises
Going for a goal
Empowered by encouragement
Welcome Words
We come together now, in the presence of:
God the Father who judges with justice,
God the Son who offers forgiveness, and
God the Holy Spirit who helps us to begin again.
Acrostic Poem
Forgiveness is…
Forgetting the hurts
Offering a new beginning
Restoring a friendship
Given and received
Identifying responsibility
Valuing the truth
Ending an argument
Not holding a grudge
Encouraging honesty
Saying sorry
Starting again