Year 1 and 2
Welcome to Year 1 and 2!
Your teacher is Miss Littleford
Your TA is Miss Simmonds
Our Learning
week commencing 9th September 2024
This week the children have completed their first phonics assessment of the year which helps us to determine any gaps in their phonic knowledge and also which level reading books they should be bringing home. On Friday, all children brought home a reading book based on this assessment. We have recapped all set 2 and 3 sounds this week, and next week we will begin to focus on the knowledge gaps in our lessons, recapping sounds we are not as confident with.
This week we began exploring a story called "The Secrets of Black Rock" by Joe Todd-Stanton. The children started the week by exploring a selection of objects such as boats, sand and water, sea animals and some very big rough rocks and had conversations about who they might belong to, what they might tell us about the story we would be reading and the children made some fantastic suggestions. We then looked at the main character from the story, and used all of this knowledge to make a prediction of what might happen in the story. We then read the story together - some of the children were very excited to see elements of their predictions in the story! We then spent some time considering Erin, the main character, and what she is like. Describing both her personality using information from the text, as well as her physical attributes.
We have had a busy week in maths, with children beginning their first unit of the year, place value. This week we have focused on our understanding of the sequence of numbers, more and less as well as some basic addition and subtraction. The children have enjoyed working in groups to complete maths activities, and have done a great job at showcasing their prior knowledge! We have also spent some time reminding ourselves how to set work out in our maths books, as well as getting to know our new maths platform which we will be using throughout the year during maths lessons.
We have completed a unit of History learning this week, focusing on the seaside in the Victorian era. The children had a fantastic day on Tuesday when Seaside Sue came to visit, which really helped immerse them in the world of the 19th century seaside! The children have made create comparisons between beaches today and beaches in the 19th century, they have considered how beach holidays have changed throughout time especially with the invention of the steam train, the internet and the aeroplane. They have learnt lots of new seaside specific vocabulary, such as promenade, parasol, Punch and Judy, bathing machines. Why not ask them about these words and see if they can tell you what they mean?