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Bisham CofE Academy

Ashley Hill MAT

Part of the

Ashley Hill

Multi Academy Trust

Year 1 and 2

Welcome to Year 1 and 2!

Your teacher is Miss Littleford


Our Learning this Week

Once Upon a Crime - STEM day

The children returned to school on Monday to find the classroom was a crime scene! A pile of broken glass, a list of chores and a trail of glitter leading from the back door throughout the classroom were our clues. The children received a letter from the local police station explaining that a crime had been committed but there were no available officers to investigate! It was up to us to solve the crime! The children were given 5 suspects and throughout the day more clues were delivered to help us. Once we had all the clues, they made a simple branch database using yes no questions to find the culprit! Mildred Maid had been rushing around doing her chores when she accidentally knocked Cinderella's glass slipper over and it had broken! Well done to the children for rising to the challenge and solving the mystery.



This week the children have learnt about a new genre of writing, memoirs. We have discussed why people write memoirs, and the importance of sharing life experiences - especially if it's something not everybody will have done! We took some time to plan our own memoirs based on our trip to Windsor Castle at the end of last term. We then began writing our memoirs, focusing on recognising how the suffix -ed can change a root word to the past tense as well as the use of time adverbials (first, then, next, after that, finally) to order the events of the day. Year 1 have continued to consolidate their knowledge of conjunctions by using these words to extend their sentences. Year 2 have been learning how to use commas in a list.



We have begun a new unit on multiplication and division this week. The children began the week by practising identify groups and their quantities to find the total. We then learnt how this can be written as a multiplication sum using the symbol x. 


* Times Tables to practise are 2x, 5x and 10x. Once these have been learnt please practise the 3 times table.



We have begun our history unit by learning about Mary Anning, the famous paleontologist. We have discussed her life and the children enjoyed learning facts about Mary and creating a timeline of the important events in her life. The children then used their new knowledge to decide which event they thought was more important and explained why. 



This term we are learning why Easter matters to Christians. In this week's lesson we learnt about Palm Sunday. We read from the Bible and discussed why everyone was excited to see Jesus arrive on the donkey and made our own palm leaves.

