Year 4
Welcome to Year 4
Mr Woest
Our Value for the term is: Generosity
This week:
English - This week in English we have used our writer’s knowledge that we gained last week to write a diary entry about the environment around us. We have included wonderful descriptions and identified how we feel when our world and environment is not treated the way it should be. We have finished the week planning our own letters about a part in in our local environment.
Maths - This week in maths we continued deepening our understanding of place value. Building on previous steps where children explored numbers up to 1,000, they are now exploring numbers beyond 1,000 up to 10 000. The initial focus was counting in 1,000s. forwards and backwards from any given multiple of 1,000. They were then challenged to use different place value charts to identify any number up to 10 000.
It would be a great help if you can write down numbers up to 10 000 and ask your child to read it out but also to try and write it in words.
Science – We have continued with our topic – Rocks and Soil. This week we compared and grouped together different kinds of rocks on the basis of their appearance and simple physical properties. The children were challenged to find their type of rock by using the questions in the dichotomous key. Ask your child if they can explain what sedimentary, metamorphic and igneous rocks are.
History – At the beginning of the week, we had a very enjoyable trip to the Verulamium Museum. The children all really enjoyed the market workshop. If they have not told you about it yet, ask them. Some of them especially mentioned the coins fascinated them.
This week in school, we focused on the influence the Romans had on Britain. The children found out that many aspects of Roman life – including those found in Pompeii can still be found in Britain today. For example, aqueducts, Roman baths, roads, cats’ eyes.
Times tables
To start, all the children will focus on the following tables: 2, 5, 10, 3, 4 and 11. Every Friday, the children will have a timed times tables mix test. They will get 10 seconds to answer the question.
All children have different learning styles. Some are very good at skip counting for example 2,4 6, 8…. Other children might need it more visually, so display the times tables around the house. Finally, some children might benefit from learning it like a song. We will try this in class, but you can do this at home too.
3 times tables:
4 times tables:
PE Kit Reminder: Please ensure that your child comes to school wearing their PE kit on Tuesdays and Thursdays.