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Bisham CofE Academy

Ashley Hill MAT

Part of the

Ashley Hill

Multi Academy Trust

Year 3

Our learning this week: Monday 9th September - Friday 13th September



This week, we have started to look at how we partition a 2 digit number using tens and ones. The children have also been getting used to the new Magma Math platform, working out how to log in and use the various tools to aid their learning. We've been starting each lesson with some fluency recap activities and daily 5 questions.  



We have been exploring the book Dear Earth; examining the different types of environments and writing features that it uses. This will inform their own writing outcomes which is to write their own information letter about their chosen environment. We have written a poem and have explored the words within both the vehicle text and example text.


Big Picture: History

The children have been investigating what types of artefacts might be found in Pompeii and what they might tell us about how the Romans lived. We've been analysing primary and secondary sources, considering which can be the most trusted and why. They've also had the opportunity to watch a video simulation of just how Pompeii might have been impacted by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius. 



In PE this week we have begun our football and tag rugby topics. The children have thouroughly enjoyed the lessons and have engaged well with learning new skills.



This week we discussed 'What is prayer?' and 'Why people may use prayer'. We also explored who helps us when we are in need of help and who do we turn to. We created a list of people and then discussed different sentences to see which ones resonated with us the most.




