Welcome to Foundation Class!
Miss Edwards - Class Teacher
Well done to all the children who performed in the semi-finals. I am so proud of each of you for getting up in front of the whole school; it takes a lot of bravery and courage to do so!!
The two children who are through to the final on the 6th of March are River and Sienna.
Our learning
This week we learnt the sound 'oy'- a toy for a boy. The children have been reading green words with our new sound in it and we have been practicing writing them too.
Writing for Pleasure-
This week, we finished our books about a place. The children are clearly growing in confidence in using the sounds they know and sounding out the words they want to write.
After completing our books, the children proofread them and checked to make sure that all parts were included, such as 'I have written the author' and 'I used finger spaces'.
This week in Maths, we have been discussing height and length using words such as tall, short, and long. The children have been comparing objects and arranging them in order from shortest to longest.
We have been measuring objects by seeing how many cubes long they are. The children also enjoyed making paper chains and held a competition to see who could make the longest one.
The big picture-
This week we continued to learn about China:
Monday- We learnt about Chinese lions dances which are performed at celebrations and parades. The children made their own lion mask.
Tuesday- We made our own dragon puppets.
Wednesday- We decorated and folded our own Chinese fans.
Thursday- We learnt about pandas and made our own pandas with moveable arms and legs.
We reflected on what we have learnt about Hinduism and Buddhism comparing similarities between the two religions.
On a Tuesday afternoon we have been practicing our dance with Years 1 and 2.
- Please may children come to school with spare clothes where possible, just in case. (Including spare shoes or wellies).
- Please may you bring in any recycling we can use for our junk modeling creations.