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Bisham CofE Academy

Ashley Hill MAT

Part of the

Ashley Hill

Multi Academy Trust

Year 5 and 6

Welcome to Year 5 and 6 - Miss Harrison


Please note:

  • PE days are Monday and Wednesday.
  • On PE days, pupils should come to school in full PE kit.

Our learning this week 


Year 6:

Our topic this week was place value. We have been reminding ourselves of the place value columns, looked at numbers to 1,000,000 and completed tricky reasoning questions. 


Year 5:

Our topic this week was place value. We have been learning all about place value columns up to Hundred thousand, looked at how to write and spell numbers to 100,000 and completed our questions on our exciting new software 'Magma maths'. 



This week, we have been immersing ourselves in our new book 'Rose Blanche' by Christophe Gallaz and Roberto Innocenti. We have studied images from the book, and completed a role on the wall based on the main character Rose,

In sentence accuracy we have learnt  to use colons for lists and use dashes to add information to a sentence.

In Guided Reading, we have started to read our new book Goodnight Mr Tom where we looked at the similarities and differences between Mister Tom and William. 



Our topic this week was history. We had our class trip to Blenheim palace where we learnt about Winston Churchills life in detail and his impact on WW2.  In our lessons we have learnt all about the turning points of World War Two, rationing and its implications on life, the use of propaganda posters in encouraging the people to 'Dig for Victory' and learnt about the long term consequences of World War Two on Britain and the rest of the world. 




Our sports this term are Football and Tag Rugby. In football this week we learnt how to dribble with the ball and in tag rugby we were focusing on techniques to successfully tag a player. 

